Biometra TRobot II Leading PCR Expertise for the Automated Workflow
Best results thanks high performance features
Focused on automation by dedicated design
Smart control through convenient software
Product Details
Always best results
In addition to the typical main application, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the Biometra TRobot II is also suitable for all other molecular biological or chemical incubations in PCR plates. For example, the generation of libraries for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is an important step in a larger workflow where the automated thermal cycler can be used. This reduces the manual effort and the possibility of errors. The PCR cycler has outstanding heating and cooling rates and excellent temperature homogeneity across the sample block for highly reproducible PCR results. For the setup of new protocols or for the transfer of existing protocols from other thermal cyclers it is sometimes necessary to make slight optimizations to the protocols. For this purpose the Biometra TRobot II includes a gradient function. With this function it is possible, to test different temperatures in the critical annealing step of the PCR in one run.
Fit for integration
In automated systems, compact components with the smallest possible footprint are particularly important. The Biometra TRobot II meets this requirement through its modular design with a compact PCR module that is placed directly on the automation deck, while the controller can be stored underneath the platform. Another important point in automation is that all components should be very robust and reliable. If one component fails, the entire workflow comes to a halt. With this background, we have developed a special patented mechanism for opening and closing the lid of the Biometra TRobot II, which is intended for permanent use. At the same time, the block design was designed to enable the gripper to access the sample block from three sides. This opens up many possibilities for positioning the thermal cycler on the deck.
Ease of work
A conveniently prepared library allows a fast integration into automation systems. In addition, powerful computer software, the Biometra TSuite, is available for direct control of the automated thermal cycler, which is helpful for first PCR runs in preparation for the actual application. Maximum user safety is ensured with a unique, touch-sensitive safety frame which immediately stops the lid closing in case of contact with a resistance. The smooth block surface without gaps is essential for easy and effective cleaning and decontamination. For stress-free work it is also important to keep the noise level low. The ventilation system has been designed to remain very quiet, even at high performance levels. This allows you to work next to Biometra TRobot II concentrated!
Biometra TRobot II – Product Video
Biometra TRobot II – Product Animation
Biometra TSuite User-friendly software for operating thermal cyclers in a network
The Biometra TRobot II automated PCR machine is completely controlled by external software – typically integrated into the robot software or via the Biometra TSuite software. This software offers a full range of functions for controlling the cycler, creating programs, managing the device and documenting its relevant states and actions in detail. Encrypted data transmission ensures the integrity and security of your data. Various log files enable GMP-compliant use, and in the event of malfunction, help locate the cause of the error prior to a service visit. Up to 1,000 devices can be managed by the software.
Title | Info |
Manual Biometra TRobot II (Edition 01.21, English) | PDF, 1 MB |