e-book: Along the Lithium-Ion-Battery Lifecycle Mining of raw materials | Refinement and cell production | Recycling

Contents of the e-book

Electromobility is growing and the topic of energy storage is more than ever in the focus of international interest, not least due to the growing awareness of climate change and the increasing sanctions for CO2 emissions.

Lithium-ion batteries play a crucial role in this context. Understanding the composition of the individual raw materials is essential to ensuring that lithium is truly sustainable and efficient as an alternative form of energy. By determining the purity of the individual raw materials, examining the chemical composition of lithium-ion battery components, and monitoring wastewater for contaminants, each protagonist in the lifecycle of lithium-ion batteries can ensure their safety, efficiency, and compliance with regulatory standards.

This e-book aims to provide a comprehensive overview of elemental analysis and combustion elemental analysis along the lifecycle of lithium-ion batteries. With various application notes we will explore topics such as:

  • analysis of organic impurities in raw materials for cathode production
  • analysis of black mass as well as cathode material
  • precious metal analysis in electronic waste
  • challenges and advancements in recycling lithium-ion batteries
  • benefits of TIC analysis for lithium recovery
  • and more!

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