Web Seminar: Challenges and Solutions in Midstream Refining Processes Analytical Solutions Along the Battery Lifecycle
Content and goals of the Web Seminar
Duration: ~45 min
Language: English
Florian Schuart, Product Manager ICP-OES, Analytik Jena
Kilian Schneider, Application Specialist ICP-OES, Analytik Jena
Bernd Bletzinger, Product Manager AAS, Analytik Jena
Lithium-ion batteries are widely used in portable electronic devices and electric vehicles. The demand for lithium-ion batteries is increasing, and so is the demand for lithium. The refining of battery cell materials is essential to meet the growing demand for lithium-ion batteries. The analytical challenges of ICP-OES, AAS, and ICP-MS analysis of battery cell material refining processes for lithium-ion batteries are significant. The samples typically have high total dissolved solids (TDS) content, high density of the solutions, and likely presence of organic and inorganic impurities. The online seminar will discuss the challenges of analyzing battery cell material refining samples using ICP-OES, AAS, and ICP-MS, and how to overcome these challenges. It will also cover the latest developments in analytical techniques for battery cell material refining.
This web seminar will highlight:
- How to achieve a measurement range from sub-ppb to %
- How to analyze highly salty samples with no or little sample preparation
- How to achieve signal stability over the entire workday
- How to significantly save on gas